Women at Scott Nichols Gallery

This month the Scott Nichols Gallery is showing Women. The show highlights women photographers photographing women with some images by men mixed in. As is normal at the Scott Nichols Gallery, there are a lot of works by notable and justly famous photographers, many of them from California: Dorothea Lange, Ruth Bernhard, Judy Dater, Edward Weston, and Wynn Bullock are a few examples.

Portrait of America: Shaly is in the show:

Hey, that image is by a Californian photographer too. Although he isn’t famous. Yet.
The show’s thesis is that there is a discernible difference between images made by women and images made by men. I don’t know, maybe you can tell the difference. I can’t.

Several years ago, I photographed a lesbian activist for Portrait of America. She liked the project and recommended it to a friend of hers who ran a small local gallery. The gallerist was interested. Then she got in touch with me and was aghast, “I didn’t know you were a man! I only show art by women.” I guess she couldn’t tell either.

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